Reconciliation starts with an Act
Start your journey.
We have curated resources that are age-appropriate and our Top 5 picks that every person should read, watch, or listen to. We always recommend that children view these resources with a caregiver who is open and ready to discuss how the stories made them feel and if they have any questions they feel comfortable asking. The children’s books have links to access the books and also links to YouTube, where they are read aloud.
Adult, Educators, and workplaces RECOMMENDED RESOURCES
While all the resources on our website are great for Adults, Educators, and Workplaces, we have highlighted several that will provide a strong overall perspective or background to help you along your journey on the Orange Path.
Honour their sacrifice.
The past contributions of Indigenous veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces have not been recognized or honoured.
Help us acknowledge Indigenous Armed Forces in the region who have lost their lives in action, served the country, or continue to serve.
Fill out the form and help us identify and honour Indigenous Veterans and current Members from the Wood Buffalo region of Treaty 8 territory.
No One Left Behind
Unity in support of safety, security and recognition of our Indigenous women, children and families. We call upon you to end violence, oppression, genocide and racism.
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