INDIGENOUS Canadian Armed Forces
VETERANs and members
The First Nations, Inuit and Métis of Canada have a long and proud tradition of service in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Too often, the contributions of Indigenous veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have not been recognized or honoured.
The Orange Path is collecting information about Indigenous CAF veterans and current serving members who have been or are members of Indigenous groups within the Wood Buffalo region of Treaty 8 Territory. First Nation and Métis, we want to record their service and preserve their history and have them recognized for the honour they deserve. If you know someone in your family or community or are a CAF member yourself, we encourage you to fill out the form below.
The Orange Path is a service provided by the Athabasca Tribal Council (ATC). ATC respects the privacy of the CAF veterans, members, and the submitter. The information collected here will be shared with organizations that are—or plan to—honour and recognize Indigenous Military Service in Canada.
Please complete the form below. You may be contacted by a partner organization in the future to add additional details to the name(s) you provide. Thank you very much for your assistance.