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The witness Blanket

Sounding Thunder: The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow
Francis Pegahmagabow (1889-1952), a member of the Ojibwe nation, was born in Shawanaga, Ontario. Enlisting at the onset of the First World War, he became the most decorated Canadian Indigenous soldier for bravery and the most accomplished sniper in North American military history.

Pegahmagabow: Life-Long Warrior
Francis Pegahmagabow was a remarkable aboriginal leader who served his nation in time of war and his people in time of peace. In wartime he volunteered to be a warrior. In peacetime he had no option. His life reveals how uncaring Canada was about those to whom this land had always been home.

Honouring Indigenous Heroes: Tommy Prince Commemorative Project
Honouring Indigenous Heroes: Tommy Prince Commemorative Project.

The Scout: Tommy Prince
When Lawrence's father goes overseas with the Canadian Army during the Second World War, the young Cree boy struggles to grow up while wrestling with the meaning of war.

From The Tundra To The Trenches
“My name is Weetaltuk; Eddy Weetaltuk. My Eskimo tag name is E9-422.” So begins From the "Tundra to the Trenches." Weetaltuk means “innocent eyes” in Inuktitut, but to the Canadian government, he was known as E9-422: E for Eskimo, 9 for his community, 422 to identify Eddy.

When the Spirits Dance
When Lawrence's father goes overseas with the Canadian Army during the Second World War, the young Cree boy struggles to grow up while wrestling with the meaning of war.

Unity in support of safety, security and recognition of our Indigenous women, children and families. We call upon you to end violence, oppression, genocide and racism.

The Jerry Cans - Northern Lights
The Jerry Cans - “Northern Lights”, live at The 2018 JUNO Awards.

After her son, Kristian, a 24-year-old hockey player from Siksika Nation, is fatally shot in a vehicle near Strathmore, Alberta, Melodie Ayoungman challenges two communities to work together and face difficult conversations.

Reel Injun
The evolution of the depiction of Native Americans in film, from the silent era until today, featuring clips from hundreds of movies and candid interviews with famous directors, writers and actors, Native and non-Native: how their image on the screen transforms the way to understand their history and culture.

Fast Horse
This is Indian Relay, where jockeys ride horses bareback and jump from one horse to another in the middle of the race.

Fort McKay - Past, Present, and Future
A past, present and future journey in Fort McKay.

Powwow Trail: Keeping the Beat | The Ways
In Powwow Trail, Dylan Jennings shares a weekend of singing with Midnite Express and dancing at the Oneida Powwow. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on culture and language from Native communities around the central Great Lakes.

Wab Kinew 500 Years in 2 Minutes
Wab Kinew explain 500 years in 2 minutes.

The Mishomis Book
The Ojibway is one of the largest groups of Native Americans, belonging to the Anishinabe people of what is today the northern United States and Canada. The Mishomis Book documents the history, traditions, and culture of the Ojibway people through stories and myths passed down through generations.

The Elders are Watching
When award-winning writer David Bouchard first saw the work of First Nations artist Roy Henry Vickers, he was struck by Vickers' reverence for nature and his understanding of Canada's rugged West Coast.

Soap Box with Wab Kinew
Wab Kinew was on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight show o talk about First Nations stereotypes and why people need to stop using them.

A Native American Thought of It: Amazing Inventions and Innovations
Everyone knows that moccasins, canoes and toboggans were invented by the Aboriginal people of North America, but did you know that they also developed their own sign language, syringe needles and a secret ingredient in soda pop?

In this semi-autobiographical coming-of-age novel, a young girl discovers that her mother, a Cree, was stolen away from her family as a child. She finds the strength to come to terms with her aboriginal heritage and learns to embrace her identity.