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A Beginner's Guide to Decolonization
Decolonization can be an invitation for all Canadians to be a part of something good and to leave behind a better version of Canada for generations to come.

Okicitawak: Worthy young men - perceptions of Indigenous manhood
When Keestin O’Dell’s grandfather told him that one day he would become a warrior and protector of his community, images of Vikings, Spartacus and Great Chiefs leapt to mind. But what does okihcihtâw (warrior, in Cree) really mean? In this humorous and informative talk, the MacEwan University Bachelor of Arts alumnus explains how he discovered that becoming a warrior is a journey, a passion and a choice.

Canadian Shame: A History of Residential Schools
Ginger Gosnell-Myers, of Nisga’a and Kwakwaka’wakw heritage, is a policy expert, researcher, and activist whose work focuses on removing barriers between Indigenous peoples and all Canadians while fostering cooperation through open communication.

Decolonization is for Everyone
“This history is not your fault, but it is absolutely your responsibility.” A history of colonization exists and persists all around us. Nikki discusses what colonization looks like and how it can be addressed through decolonization. An equitable and just future depends on the courage we show today. “Let’s make our grandchildren proud”.

How Do We Stop Aboriginal Women from Disappearing?
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Calling upon us to recognize the epidemic of missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada, Beverley Jacobs reminds us of our collective responsibility to end this violence first by acknowledging the tough truths about colonization, racism and sexism in our communities.

We are More than Murdered and Missing
With a talk that encourages hope, love, empowerment and igniting a new way of learning together as a nation, Tamara lays bare the world of violence impacting Indigenous women.

The Danger of Silence
"We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don't," says slam poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.

The truth behind 'We the People' - the three most misunderstood words in US history
The son of an American woman of Dutch heritage and a Navajo man, Mark Charles offers a unique perspective on three of the most misinterpreted words in American History.